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Norway: A wool country

The idea was originally to design woolen clothes for children in Norway.

But something in us must have known that very quickly we also wanted to make clothes for adults and abroad, so we wanted to find a brand name that was not limited to children's clothing or Norway.

After a longer workshop with many different proposals, we finally came to this:

Woolland Norway

It fits perfectly, we thought, as Norway is a wool country.

  • A country where we are active outdoors a lot, and a country with temperatures that mean we need wool all year round to keep us warm.
  • A country with magnificent nature, four seasons and weather that is always changing.
  • A home that is as beautiful as it is brutal.
  • A place where nature will always challenge and test us.

In all ages, wool has kept Norwegians warm. Through generations, we have learned the natural and unique properties of wool. It has in many ways helped to define our common culture, who we are as people and our history.

In short, we are a country made up of wool enthusiasts and diligent users of wool. Therefore we are called WoolLand Norway and why we say:

Norwegian design.
Approved by generations.